Q&A: Aniesha Brahma, Author of 'Hook, Line, and Sinker'
22 Jun, 2021
Author Aniesha Brahma
Aniesha Brahma is a Young Adult, New Adult and Children’s novelist. She has studied Comparative Literature, and started her career as a social media manager in a publishing house. Currently, she works as a senior copywriter and content manager in a digital media agency. When she is not working, she is dreaming up stories, conducting sessions for her popular YouTube Series, Chai & Chill, or recording sessions for her podcast, Modern Dating Be Like, or planning how to get even more books and bookish content to readers via BUZZ Magazine. You can read more of her work at Aniesha’s Musings. She has recently come out with the book Hook, Line, and Sinker, which is a novella in The Secret Proposal novel series.
I chat with Aniesha about her book Hook, Line, and Sinker, the creative process behind the characterization of the novel’s protagonists, book recommendations, and much more.
Hello, Aniesha! Tell us a bit about yourself!
Hello, Ridhi. Thank you for hosting me on your lovely platform.
I am a new adult, young adult, and children’s book author. Along with a small team, I run Buzz Magazine and we’re currently working towards a new vertical for it: Buzzing Good Reads. Oh, and I’m also a cat mom.
When did you first discover your love for writing?
I was six when I decided to become a writer. I told my mom about it and she just told me to go for it.
If you could only describe your book Hook, Line, and Sinker in five words, what would they be?
Confusion, romance, stubbornness, ever after!
'Hook, Line, and Sinker', published by Notion Press
Now tell us a little more about the book! What can readers expect?
Hook, Line, and Sinker follows the protagonist Jasmine as she enters head-first into her father’s business world. She realises no one actually thought she’d one day even wantto be a part of her dad’s business. She has a lot to prove and her engagement ring isn’t helping matters. Readers will meet brand new versions of both Jasmine and Veer – because we’re meeting them years later, when they’ve both grown up a lot.
This book is a part of The Secret Proposal novel series. Please tell us more about this series.
The Secret Proposal was my debut novel. It became a success and even to this day, I have people messaging me about how amazing they thought the book was. And I was pestered forever to write a sequel. I finally caved earlier this year and decided to give the people what they want! In fact, I plan on continuing the series with Meghan Mukherjee, who is Jasmine’s best friend in the novels. So readers should watch out for the novel Head Over Heels, which is coming to them soon!
What has been your creative process like behind the characterizations of the protagonists Larissa ‘Jasmine’ Chakraborty and Tanveer ‘Veer’ Bhattacharya?
I wrote Jasmine and Veer when I was almost a decade younger. My idea of perfect romances was shaped by the unhealthy diet of what the media had been feeding me. Jasmine was inspired by my own experiences, and Veer was a crush I had when I was still in school. But when I re-visited them, I realized people can grow and evolve into the best version of themselves. And that’s precisely what happened in this present story.
How have you been coping with the current pandemic and what will be the new normal for you post-pandemic?
It was becoming productive and adopting Felix (my cat) that kept me sane during the pandemic. So, being a cat mom is going to be there forever. The pandemic gave me the opportunity to explore things I’ve always wanted to do besides writing – editing videos, audios, launching podcasts, etc. Post-pandemic, I hope that I continue down this path and discover even more things that I love. Sometimes, it’s okay to become the Jenny of All Trades.
Lastly, are you currently reading anything and do you have any book recommendations for our readers?
Right now, I am reading Ikigai by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles. I bought it during the New Year, and never read it until now. It’s the perfect time too, I believe.
The book ‘Hook, Line, and Sinker’ is available online and at your nearest bookstore.
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